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About Us

UWI Ventures Limited is a wholly owned UWI holding company that includes a for-profit company, formed to support and accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship. It leverages The UWI Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) ecosystem as well as our not-for-profit entity. Both are incorporated to raise funds and support so as to drive development of the for-profit entity.

UWI Ventures Limited is lean, agile, and entrepreneurial. It identifies and develops entrepreneurs / start-ups and commercialises intellectual property to become globally competitive. We do this by strategically resourcing and investing in business units and start-ups that can positively impact local and regional socio-economic development.

Our virtual business platform is a fully integrated entrepreneurship ecosystem service provider delivering 24/7 365 access to our holding company and its partners facilitated by VenturesApp. UWI Ventures ecosystem include St. Augustine Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (StACIE), Entrepreneurship Unit (EU) and, by extension, Faculties, Centres, and Institutes. Using the VenturesApp, we support alumni, staff, students, UWI Faculties and the public in their drive to be innovators and/or entrepreneurs in viable high-value start-ups.


Act ethically, professionally and transparently.

Comply fully with relevant laws and intellectual property rights.

Make proper and correct use of information received.

Interact with truthfulness and confidentiality.

Take steps to ensure the preservation and protection of confidential and privileged information.


To create a cutting-edge UWI entity that propels national and regional innovation and entrepreneurship into the future.


Act ethically, professionally and transparently.

Comply fully with relevant laws and intellectual property rights.

Make proper and correct use of information received.

Interact with truthfulness and confidentiality.

Take steps to ensure the preservation and protection of confidential and privileged information.


To create globally competitive entities and UWI spin-off companies by leveraging the UWI and the T&T National ecosystem whilst ensuring value for The UWI and its stakeholder network.

Core Functions

Our core functions include:

Resource Mobilization

Proposal Assessment

Contract Management and Monitoring

Our Operations

We provide guidance, coaching, and business planning as well as needs-based mentorship to start-ups focusing on innovative Youth Entrepreneurs, Women Entrepreneurs, Social Entrepreneurs, Creatives, and Retirees. We invite applications from any age, gender, geographic location, ethnicity, and particularly the diverse people of the Caribbean and the Diaspora.