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What We Do

We provide guidance, coaching, and mentorship – as needed and based on assessment – to entrepreneurs and start-ups.

UWI Ventures Limited is an integrated entrepreneurship ecosystem providing 24/7 365 access to our holding company and not-for-profit entity. We collaborate with the St. Augustine Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (StACIE), the Entrepreneurship Unit (EU) and the Faculties, Centres and Institutes at The UWI St. Augustine Campus. As such, investors and innovators are assured of cutting-edge research and services.

Please let us know how we can serve you better:

UWI Ventures Limited

Promoting and supporting innovation and entrepreneurship development through Coaching, Training, Networking and Mentorship.

Innovation (StACIE)

R&D and prototyping support, Grant/Seed Funding, and Intellectual Property Management, Development and Protection Support, access to strong private sector participation, Funding Management and Approvals.

Entrepreneurship Unit

Entrepreneurial Training will make sure you’re on the right track and progressing as effectively as possible. Along with professional guidance, you’ll be mentored by experienced founders, investors and industry experts.


See which projects are in development and available for Investment.


Act ethically, professionally and transparently.

Comply fully with relevant laws and intellectual property rights.

Make proper and correct use of information received.

Interact with truthfulness and confidentiality.

Take steps to ensure the preservation and protection of confidential and privileged information.


To mentor and invest in viable high-value Start-up and UWI Spin-off enterprises that positively impact local and regional socio-economic development.


Act ethically, professionally and transparently.

Comply fully with relevant laws and intellectual property rights.

Make proper and correct use of information received.

Interact with truthfulness and confidentiality.

Take steps to ensure the preservation and protection of confidential and privileged information.


To create a world-leading centre that propels innovation and entrepreneurship into the future.

The UWI Ventures Limited Ecosystem

The UWI Ventures Limited Ecosystem will guide you through the process of assessment, development, and coaching via our Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem partners to get you to investment readiness.
Build your business


Our digital business accelerator app database brings a unique and effective method for supporting the early development of local and regional entrepreneurs. It provides 24/7 365 access to a secure digital business-accelerator platform, within which entrepreneurs can plan and build their business from ideation to incorporation under the constant guidance of a dedicated and experienced confidential business coach.
Coaching & Mentorship

The Entrepreneurship Unit (EU)

The Entrepreneurship Unit (EU) promotes and supports Innovation and Entrepreneurship development through Coaching, Training, Networking and Mentorship particularly among UWI students, staff, alumni and the general public.
Funding for Research & IP

St. Augustine Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (StACIE)

As coordinator of The UWI St. Augustine Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) Ecosystem, StACIE is your first port of call if you are seeking R&D and prototyping support, Grant/Seed funding, and IP Management, Development and Protection Support.

News & Media


UWI Ventures and CARIRI Sign MOU

The UWI Ventures Limited, a spinoff company of The University of the West Indies (UWI), and the Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to actively collaborate in several areas, including professional education; research and development, innovation and entrepreneurship development; training and branding. The signing took…
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Online Portal for Innovators

How many brilliant ideas and inventions are languishing right now because of a lack of financing, business connections or marketing know-how? UWI Ventures, an initiative that draws on UWI’s business, finance and marketing ecosystem, is seeking to tap into those ideas and help realise them. The entrepreneurship and innovation hub…
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